Hi!!! So, last night, (25/05/2012) 12.00A.M <~ sharp!!
me and d`friend come with this stupid and crazy idea to go to Pulau Pinang without any preparation or plan, AT ALL.
Well, all thanks to me and my jiwa kacau, (sorry to friends coz making your life miserable). hikhik
so, ok...
so, the plan was...to go there and just do whatever we want, and stop wherever the car stops. but one plan is definitely we want to do is to watch the sunrise at the beach.
That`s right the BEACH, my fav~!
this is the time and activities
2.00A.M - Arrive Pulau Pinang, we took lots of pictures, "we" is for me and Tun bcoz the other two were busy SLEEPING~XDD
Ni mase atas jambatan Pulau Pinang. Hahaha.
so, this is the driver, Tun. Concentrate pleash! |
Macho??? O.O |
Le`me ,Sleepy but pretty excited. ;) |
errrr...my art? |
because i think I should captured this~ =.= |
sorry..i just...think i`m cute..*pukes* hahaha, the camera
is capturing this ,automatically.. |
2.30A.M - arrive McD
so,yeah..it was cold, i mean demn cold, even i am wearing sweater here, but still can't warm me up. :)
so, I was like thinking, isn't it is like heaven if we could get some hot chocolate or milo in this situation. And ,Poof! my wishes coming true~
Another unknown picture~tehehehe |
Say it LOUD! McD~ |
Peace yo! |
ok, then2, kitaorangS..ok,silalah guna bahasa rojaks okays,u`olllsss~
before that, we`re looking for the toilet to P~
Nature`s calling Babeh~!
Aku dgn Tun pg toilet and tup2 depan toilet tu ade pokok buluh. Kawan aku sorg ni mengidam nk bergambr dgn pokok buluh so, here~ XDD
cwweeet~ |
Yellow akak~! we would like to have some Hot Milo,please~ :) |
Like a Boss?? |
Thanks for making me warm~ <3 |
Sitting down coz there`s wild dog outside McD and I`m scare to walk to the car..TT_TT
Anyway, what else should we do than enjoying our time with beloved Milo.
I love you!
Jambatan Pulau Pinang, around 3.00A.M |
Ok,agak malas nk tulis ape jadi kt sini sebab hanya nampak laut, laut ,laut je..so snap je pictures banyak2... ^_^
disturbing the driver, LIKE A BOSS~ |
another meaningless picture. |
Almost 3.00A.M - the two sleeping beauty is finally awake and yeah..we just enjoying the scenery while waiting for Subuh.
Berembun dekat tepi pantai.
Cik Jah dari Johor.
kejenye,xhabis2 menyakat, menyusahkan, hidup aku.
tapi, dia ni dh mcm family dh, so,no,no jealous ,okay? dh anggap dia mcm adik sendiri. |
Keje dorang, dari muda sampai tua, bergosip je. Ni tgh cuci mata tgh kereta kancil kt belakang tuh.
ade aksi goyang2 kah??? |
5.20A.M - Subuh di Masjid Terapung, Tanjung Bunga.
cantik... |
Ya Allah, cantik sgt dlm masjid ni, dahla atas laut. Mmg indah. rugi rasenya xdpt sembahyang Subuh sekali, sebab mmg di beri cuti~ :)
And kat dlm ni, aku rasa sgt2 tenang. Kekusutan dlm jiwa semua, cm hilang. Serius ckp. Sepanjang aku kt Kachi, aku xpernah lagi rasa tenang mcm pagi tadi.
Tuhan je yg tahu perasaan aku.
Kat sini, aku duduk jauh sikit dari jemaah lain, ye la, xnk ganggu dorang.
Kat sini, aku mengadu dkt Allah.Lepaskan semua yg aku rasa.
Rasanya xperlu aku ckp semua yg aku adu pada sang Pencipta,kan?
Tapi yg penting, aku mohon supaya aku di beri kekuatan untuk hdp kekusutan yg aku alami and aku mohon supaya org yg aku sayang sembuh dari segala penyakit dan berikan kebahagian kepada aku dan juga dia.
Kat sini ,aku dan kawan2 dapat rezeki yg xdijangka!
Nasi Lemak percuma seyh! Thanks makcik~! Yummy!
6.00++A.M - Feringgi Beach.
The wave calling for ME!! yesh!! ME GUSTA!!
Running like little kid right after I heard the waves!!
It`s beautiful!
I was amaze by the art of the nature and the power of God for creating such scenery!
who else were crazy enough to go and playing at the beach early in the morning? |
If i can hug the waves...I WILL!!! HAHAHAHAHA |
Doing Crazy things with Crazy Friends!
Peace~ Peace!!! |
come,come...SUE!! awat xtgk camera! |
1. the waves is coming guys!! |
2. Omg!! hayaku!! the waves again!! |
3. Big waves!! |
please forgive the botak guy. He`s too excited~ girls, you look great~ ^__^ |
Sue tgh menyerang ombak... |
Ombak rindu kah? |
sejujurnya, aku rase korang sgt comel di sini!!
~Kecomelan tahap gaban~
Dah mamcam power rangers dah aku tgk pose korang.. |
best sgt kan? mane gambar aku dgn korang? |
Unie`s Angel? omg~ buwok! |
p/s: makan nasi lemak sambil menghadap laut sgt BEST!
well, if there`s a beginning, there should be the ending too right?
so yeah, we ride the ferry~
row,row,row the ferry..lalalalalalaa
ok,mengarut dah..
sekali lagi, cantik gile pemandangan laut.
thanks kawan... rase happy.:) |
Apa yg aku dapat sepanjang 10 jam ni? Banyak!!
1. Kalau nak buat gila, buat je, jgn tahan2. Yang penting, jgn kata tidak!!
2. Sedar tentang kebesaran Allah. Rasanya belum cukup sempurna sebagai hamba-Nya.
3. Kekusutan jiwa, tekanan, masalah semua boleh atasi, yg penting kena tahu nak atasi dgn cara macam mana. aku pilih jln spiritual healing. Alhamdulillah, aku tenang, and harapnya terus tenang.
4. Jangan rancang apa2, just go and enjoy the nature!
5. Ini aku dapat masa atas ferri. Aku nak Kawin naik cruise! seriously, best~!!
6. Aku sayang family aku. Ini perkara yg paling penting, jgn kacau family aku!
7. Aku sayang buah hati aku, walaupun jiwa kacau sekrg, aku xpernah berhenti dari fikirkan tentang dia.
8. Aku sayang kawan-kawan aku, walaupun ade antaranya bermula dgn pertengkaran akhirnya, tgklah macam mane srkg ni~
9. Sem depan aku nk buat kerja gila lagi. Sekarang ni dh dua misi Crazy aku dh buat.
10. Aku nak hilangkan segala ketakutan aku.Aku nak cabar diri buat perkara yg aku rasa aku xmampu buat.
11. ni paling penting.. aku rasa mcm dh TUA kot! Tun sedap je tido skrg, Sue pun! Aku xmampu nk lelapkan mata doe...nande?? =.=